Jan 21, 2015

Fix it in Easy Steps:

1)      You have to check first your processor fan is working properly of not?
2)       Go to Start -> Run -> then type %temp%(delete all temp files) that are increase your
system speed.
3)       Go to My Computer -> select all the hard disk drives i.e.(Local Disk C:,D:,E: etc) -> right
click & select properties and cleanup all drives that are remove unwanted program.
4)       Go to Start -> Run -> then type msconfig then click OK. It open system configuration.
These go to services and start up. Then deselect the program me you don't want to
run aromatically when system is start.
Note: - all changes will do in Administrator account.

5)       Go to windows folder then open system32 folder look inside the name of folder is "prefetch" delete it. If you can't find the inside of system32 folder come back one step means go to windows there you will be find & delete that folder.
6)       Some critical problems occur from internet temp file therefore you have to clean history.
I hope your system work properly. For more information and updates stay with us.

Follow the steps to bypass:

1) Press the power button to turn on your computer.
2) While you’re on the screen with the animated Microsoft logo press and hold the power button until turn off.
3) Press the power button to turn on again.
4) You should now see the option to bunch Start Up repair. Select the option and press enter.
5) Run Startup Repair.
6) You should see a blue bar that moves across the screen repeatedly. Above it should be messages
that say "searching for problems" or something. The message should change to "Attempting repairs" within a few minutes.
7) Leave the computer running. This message should be there for 10-40 minutes depending on your computer.
A message should pop up that says "start up repair could not fix the problem". Click the arrow next to "show problem details".
8) Scroll to the bottom and click the link to the .txt.
9) Notepad should open up with the file.
10) In notepad click File->Open. You can now use the file browser to perform the sethc.exe hack.
11) Go to C: Windows\system32 and find sethc.exe and rename to random.exe or something.
12) Copy the cmd.exe and rename the copied file to sethc.exe
13) Restart the computer and at the login screen press the "shift" key 5 times n quick succession.
14) Type in the cmd window "control userpasswords2" without the quotation marks.
15) You can now make a new admin account and login
bot.setup([js: false, css: false])
        bot.go "http://blog.com"
        bot.siteErrorIf ('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
        bot.set ".//*[@id='user_login']", blog.user, "username"
        bot.set ".//*[@id='user_pass']", blog.password, "password"
        bot.click(".//input[@id='wp-submit']", "login button")
        bot.bannedIf "text_exists", "ERROR : Invalid username"
        bot.bannedIf "text_exists", "ERROR : Your account has been marked as a spammer"
        bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "ERROR"
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", 'Sign Out'
        bot.go blog.url + "/wp-admin/post-new.php"
        bot.siteErrorIf('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
        bot.set ".//*[@id='title']", content.title, 'post title', "input"
        bot.set ".//*[@id='content']", content.body, "post body", "textarea"
        bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @id='publish']", 'post submit'
        bot.posted true
        bot.setSuccess bot.get(["//span[@id='view-post-btn']/a", "//*[@id='post-preview']"], "href", "view post")

        bot.setup ([js:true])
        bot.go blog.url
        bot.invalidIf "url_contains","notfound"
        bot.js false
        bot.go "${blog.url}/login.htm"
        bot.set "//input[@id='login']", blog.user,"username","input"
        bot.set "//input[@name='password']", blog.password,"password","input"
        bot.click "//input[@type='submit' and @name='submit']","login button","button"
        bot.bannedIf "text_exists","Wrong login/password."
        bot.stopIfNot "url_contains","index.htm"
        bot.js true
        bot.go "${blog.url}/admin.php?ctrl=posts&tab=edit&blog=1"
        bot.set "//input[@id='post_title']", content.title,"post title","input"
        bot.executeJs "activate_tinymce('post_content');"
        bot.set "//textarea[@id='post_content']", content.body,"post content","input"
        bot.click "//input[@type='submit' and @class='submit_ok']","submit post","button"
        bot.posted true
        bot.click "Permalink","view post","text"
        bot.success = bot.url

        bot.setup ([js:true])
        bot.go blog.url
bot.siteErrorIf ('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
        bot.invalidIf "url_contains","notfound"
        bot.js false
        bot.go "${blog.url}/login.htm"
bot.siteErrorIf ('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')
        bot.set "//input[@id='login']", blog.user,"username","input"
        bot.set "//input[@name='password']", blog.password,"password","input"
        bot.click "//input[@type='submit' and @name='submit']","login button","button"
        bot.bannedIf "text_exists","Wrong login/password."
        bot.stopIfNot "url_contains","index.htm"
        bot.js true
        bot.go "${blog.url}/admin.php?ctrl=posts&tab=edit&blog=1"
        bot.set "//input[@id='post_title']", content.title,"post title","input"
        bot.executeJs "activate_tinymce('post_content');"
        bot.set "//textarea[@id='post_content']", content.body,"post content","input"
        bot.click "//input[@type='submit' and @class='submit_ok']","submit post","button"
        bot.posted true
        bot.click "Permalink","view post","text"
        bot.success = bot.url

siteErrorIf('text_exists', '502 Bad Gateway')

bot.setup ([js: true, css: true, domains:['onlinegame.rail-nation.com']])
        bot.go "http://tribe.net/welcome?action=TribeLogout"
        bot.set ".//*[@id='email']", blog.user, "username","input"
        bot.set ".//*[@id='password']", blog.password, "password","input"
        bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @value='sign in']", "login button","button"
bot.sleep 5000
bot.badProxyIf('text_exists', 'The requested URL could not be retrieved')
bot.bannedIf('text_exists', 'Invalid e-mail or password')
        bot.checkIf("text_exists", "sign out", true, 10, 5)
        bot.click "//a[contains(text(), 'blog post')]", "new post", "link_xpath"
        bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//*[@id='topic_subject']", true, 5, 5
        bot.set ".//*[@id='topic_subject']", content.title, 'post title', "input"
        bot.set ".//*[@id='topic_body']", content.body, "post body", "input", "TEXT"
        bot.click "submit", "submit button", "text"
        bot.checkIf("text_exists", "edit this post", true, 5, 5)
        bot.posted true
        bot.click "permalink", "view entry", "text"
        bot.setSuccess bot.url

bot.setup([js: false])
        bot.go "http://alplist.com/login.php"
        bot.set "//input[@id='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
        bot.set "//input[@id='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
        bot.click ".//*[@type='submit' and @value='Login']", 'sign in button', 'button'
        bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "Username or Password incorrect"
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Logout", true
        bot.go "http://alplist.com/add_story.php"
        bot.set "//*[@id='story_url']", content.url, "url", "input"
        bot.click ".//*[@type='submit' and @value='Continue']", 'next', 'button'
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Story Title", true, 10, 2
        content.title = bot.left(content.title, 80)
        bot.set "//*[@id='story_title']", content.title, "subject", "input"
        bot.set "//*[@id='story_desc']", content.body, "description", "input"
        bot.set "story_category", "0", "category", "radio_random"
        bot.captcha("//*[@id='add_story']//img[@src='seccode.php']", "//*[@id='security_code']")
        bot.click ".//*[@type='submit' and @value='Submit Story']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
        bot.go http://alplist.com/add_story.php
def urlparam = "${content.url}?p=${bot.random(1,1000)}"
bot.set("//*[@id='story_url']", urlparam,"url", "input")
        bot.click ".//*[@type='submit' and @value='Continue']", 'next', 'button'
        bot.checkIf("text_exists", "More Info", true)
        bot.click "More Info", "post entry", "text"
        bot.posted true
        bot.setSuccess bot.url

bot.setup([js: true, css: true])
        bot.start "1. Login "
        bot.go "http://url.org/signin/"
        bot.set "//*[@id='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
        bot.set "//input[@id='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
        bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @name='submitted']", 'sign in button', 'button'
        bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "The details you have entered are incorrect"
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Log Out", true
        bot.start "2. Add a Bookmark"
        bot.click "Add a Bookmark", "add bookmark link", "text"
        bot.set "//*[@id='address']", content.url, "url", "input"
        bot.set "//*[@id='titleField']", content.title, "subject", "input"
        bot.set "//input[@name='description']", bot.left(content.body, 255), "description", "input"
        bot.set "//*[@id='tags']", content.tags, "tags", "input"
        bot.captcha("//*[@id='page_2']/form//img", "//*[@name='imagepasswd']")
        bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @name='submitted']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
        bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//*[@id='bookmarks']//a[contains(text(), '${content.title}')]", true, 5, 5
        bot.posted true
        //could not get exactly URL. return my bookmarks link
        bot.setSuccess bot.url

bot.setup([js: true, css: true])
        bot.start "1. Login "
        bot.go "http://www.folkd.com/page/login.html"
        bot.set "//*[@id='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
        bot.set "//input[@id='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
        bot.click ".//input[@type='submit' and @id='submit_login']", 'sign in button', 'button'
        bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "Invalid "
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Logout", true
        bot.start "2. Add a Bookmark"
        bot.go "http://www.folkd.com/page/submit.html"
        bot.set "//*[@id='url_page']", content.url, "url", "input"
        bot.click ".//button[@type='submit']", 'submit link', 'button'

        bot.set "//*[@id='add_title']", content.title, "subject", "input"
        bot.set "//*[@id='add_description']", content.body, "description", "input"
        def tags = "\"${content.tags}\""
        tags = tags.replace(",", "\" \"")

        bot.set "//*[@id='add_tags_show']", tags, "tags", "input"
        bot.set(bot.get(".//div[@id='recaptcha_image']/img", "src"), ".//*[@id='recaptcha_response_field']")

        bot.click ".//input[@type='submit']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'

        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Great! Your Link has been saved", true
        bot.click "Details", "bookmark entry", "text"
        bot.posted true
        bot.setSuccess bot.url

TODO: Duplicate article, check to append ?p=bot.random(1,1000)

TODO: Content is too long. Reduce set description :: textarea value
bot.setup([js: false])
        bot.go "http://topseobacklinks.com/login.php"
        bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@name='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
        bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@name='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
        bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@type='submit']", 'sign in button', 'button'
        bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//a[contains(@href,'/login.php')]", true
        bot.go "http://topseobacklinks.com/submit.php"
def urlparam = "${content.url}?p=${bot.random(1,1000)}"
        bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@id='url']", urlparam, "url", "input"
        bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@type='submit']", 'next', 'button'
        bot.invalidIf("text_exists", "Duplicate article URL", "Duplicate article")
        bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//input[@id='title']", true, 10, 2
        content.title = bot.left(content.title, 120)
        bot.set "//input[@id='title']", content.title, "subject", "input"
        bot.set ".//*[@name='category']", "1", "category", "select_random"
        bot.set "//*[@id='bodytext']", bot.left(content.body,150), "description", "textarea"
        bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//input[@type='submit']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
        bot.js false
        bot.checkIf "url_contains", "upcoming", true
        bot.posted true
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "${content.title}"
        bot.click "Read More", "bookmark entry", "text"
        bot.setSuccess bot.url
TODO: Error URL after clicked. Need to handle checking errors in click() like go()

Error: The requested URL could not be retrieved

bot.setup([js: false, domains: ['google.com/_/+1', 'twitter.com', 'facebook.com', 'sharethis.com', 'addthis.com', 'prosperent.com', ‘trafficmongrel.com’]])
        bot.go "http://sfcsf.org/login.php"
        bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@name='username']", blog.user, "username", "input"
        bot.set ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@name='password']", blog.password, "password", "input"
        bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@type='submit']", 'sign in button', 'button'
        bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//a[contains(@href,'/login.php')]", true
        bot.go http://sfcsf.org/submit.php
def urlparam = "${content.url}?p=${bot.random(1,1000)}"
        bot.set "//*[@id='url']", urlparam, "url", "input"
        bot.js true
        bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//*[@type='submit']", 'next', 'button'
        bot.invalidIf("text_exists", "Duplicate article URL", "Duplicate article")
        bot.checkIf "path_exists", "//input[@id='title']", true, 10, 2
        bot.set "//input[@id='title']", content.title, "subject", "input"
        bot.set ".//*[@name='category']", "1", "category", "select_random"
        bot.set "//*[@id='bodytext']", content.body, "description", "textarea"
        bot.set(bot.get(".//div[@id='recaptcha_image']/img", "src"), ".//*[@id='recaptcha_response_field']")
        bot.click ".//form[@id='thisform']//input[@type='submit']", 'publish bookmark', 'button'
        bot.js false
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Confirm Details", true
        bot.posted true
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "${content.title}"
        bot.click "Read More", "bookmark entry", "text"
        bot.setSuccess bot.url

bot.setup([driver: true])
        bot.go "http://cloudytags.com/"

        bot.set "//*[@name='user']", blog.user, 'user', "input"
        bot.set "//*[@name='pass']", blog.password, 'password', "input"
        bot.click "//*[@id='loginbut']", "Sing in button", "button"
bot.sleep 5000
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Logout", true, 10, 1

        bot.go "http://cloudytags.com/submit.html"
        bot.set "//*[@id='submitform']/*[@name='url']", content.url, "url", "input"
        bot.click "//*[@id='enterurlbut']", "Post it! step1", "button"
        // Wait unit adv timer will be gone away.
        bot.sleep 10000

        // NOTE: At least one tag should be selected.
        content.tags.split(",").eachWithIndex() {item, index ->
            bot.set "//input[@name='tag${index}']", "${item}", "tag${index} = ${item}", "input"
        bot.set "//textarea[@name='ladesc']", content.title, "title", "textarea"
        bot.set(bot.get(".//div[@id='recaptcha_image']/img", "src"), ".//*[@id='recaptcha_response_field']")
        bot.click "//*[@id='addlinkbut']", "Post it! step2", "button"

        bot.invalidIf "text_exists", "We got an error adding your link in our database", "Some problems with posted links. Probably link is dublicated."
        bot.checkIf "text_exists", "Well DONE!", true, 10, 1

        bot.posted true
        bot.go "http://cloudytags.com/users/${blog.user}.html"
        bot.setSuccess bot.find(".//*[@id='ShowLinks']/table[1]/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/a", "Last posted url")?.getAttribute("href")